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Prof. B. Aiswarya


QUALIFICATION & SPECIALIZATION : MBA, M.Phil., Ph.D.  Human Resource Management

EXPERIENCE IN YEARS TEACHING/PRACTICE/INDUSTRY/RESEARCH : 25 years of teaching / 20 years of research

Prof. B. Aiswarya, is an Professor in Human Resources, and is specialised in Human Resources Development and Organizational Behaviour. She is the Associate dean for Student and Alumni relations at LIBA. She has over 20 years of teaching, research, and administrative experience with some of the leading management institutions in India.  She has published more than 50 research papers in national and international refereed journals. She has also organized many conferences, seminars, workshops and faculty development programmes. Her areas of interest include Human Resources, Organisational Behaviour, and Training and Development. She has also undertaken a few large funded research projects, including those funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Science graduate from Bharatidasan University, Tiruchirappalli and a post graduate in Management, from Alagappa Institute of Management Studies, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. After completing M.Phil., from Madurai Kamaraj University, she pursued her doctoral studies with Sathyabama University, Chennai, in the area of Human Resources and obtained Ph.D. during 2012. She has also qualified the UGC – NET conducted by University Grants Commission during the year 2004.



  • Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya. B. (2021). Effectiveness of Advertisements by National Tobacco control Organisation of India: An Experimental Research, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol.26, No.3. ISSN:1095-6298.(ABDC:C).
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2018). An assessment of the factors influencing the affective component of commitment among employees in the IT sector in Chennai, International journal of Business Excellence, Vol.16, No.4 Pg., 385-406. ISSN: 1756- 0047. (Scopus Indexed).
  • Aiswarya. B.   and Ramasundaram, G. (2017). Factors influencing the Continuance commitment of employees, Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 08, Issue. 4 Pg. 1041, Dec, 2017. ISSN: 0976-495X.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2016). Work place violence – A vital loud and sound voice, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research’ Vol.14 No. 2. (Scopus indexed)
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2014). The Role of Education as an Influencing factor Towards Work Family Conflict of Women Employees in Information Technology Sector in India “International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research’ Vol.12 No.3.(Scopus indexed)
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013). Indian women in technology: An empirical analysis of role conflict, Malaysian Management Journal, Vol. 17, and Pg. 13-26 ISSN No: 0128-6226.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012). ‘Conflict segments of women employees of IT sector in India: Its relevance with the demographic profile’. International journal of human capital and information technology professionals, Vol. 3, No. 1, 42-53.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2011).” The role of work family conflict as a Mediator between work thought interference and job stress. The International Management Review Vol. 7, No. 2. Pg 25.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2011).’The Impact of dependents in the family on the work life conflict of employed women in IT sector in India’ South Asian Journal of Management Sciences, Vol.5,No.2, Pg 43-48,ISSN: 20742967.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2009). ‘Depression – An Indication of work family conflict among academic women employees’. Skyline Business Journal, Volume, V. No, 2. Pg, 17. ISSN: 1998-3425.


  • Aiswarya. B.   and Ramasundaram, G. (2021). Prediction of Psychological Distress among IT Employees Using Artificial Neural Network. Journal of Education. ISSN: 0972 – 7175. Vol. 23, No.7 (II), UGC indexed.
  • Aiswarya. B.   and Ramasundaram, G. (2020). The role of culture on maintaining employee sustainability in organisations, Test engineering and Management, April 2020, Vol. 83. ISSN: 0193 – 4120.
  • Aiswarya. B.   and Ramasundaram, G. (2018). Impact of decision making practices on employee commitment “AIMS Journal of Management. Vol. 3, No.2. ISSN: 2395 – 6852.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2016), Constrained by choice – An assessment of the challenging barriers of women in work force, Management Dynamics,Vol.15, Issue 2.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2014), “The impact of the time on the Role Conflict of employed Women”. Indira Management Review. Vol.VIII, Issue 2. July, 2014, ISSN No: 0974-3928.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013), “Women in Technology Empirical Analysis of role conflict”. International Journal of Business insights and transformation.Vol.6, issue 1 Oct- Mar2013, ISSN no: 0974-5874.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013).”Clustering the dimensions of Role conflict of Employed Women in IT sector in Chennai”, Training and Development Journal. Vol.No.4 No. 1. June 2013, ISSN No.2231-0681.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013).” Behavioral Dimensions of Role Conflict – An empirical Study on the women employees of IT sector. Journal of Practicing Managers. Vol. No. 3 No.2. Dec. 2013 ISSN No. 2230-7419.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013). “Role Conflict and its Behavioral Dimensions”, Social Glance – Journal of Human Science, Vol. No 1 Issue. 2, June, 2013. ISSN No. 2319-3653.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013). “Women in Technology – Empirical Analysis of Role Conflict, Samiksha, Vol.4 No.1, June 2013. ISSN. No. 0975-7708.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013).” Impact of select antecedents on the strain dimensions of role conflict. The Journal of Indian Management. Vol. No.18, Issue:4 . December 2013., ISSN No. 0973-9335
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2013).”The relationship between organizational climate and self esteem with the interference of work life conflict among women employees in information technology sector”, Uttaranchal business review, Vol.3 issue 1, June 2013, ISSN No: 2277-1816.
  • Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya. B. (2013),”Information sources used for selection of retail Banks: A study among customers segments on financial maturity and types of loans, KPR International journal of management. Vol.1. Issue2 December 2012.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012).’The influential nature of demographic characteristics on work life conflict of employees in IT sector in India. Vedaang, ISSN. No: 09757961. Volume.3, No. 2, pg: 71. July – December 2012.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012). ‘Association among the selected consequences of role conflict and its implications on Women employees of Information Technology sector’ Sankalpa – Journal of Management and Research,Volume.2,No.2, ISSN:2231-1904.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012). ‘ Working hours as an influencing factor towards work family conflict of women employees in IT sector in Chennai’.Tecnia – Journal of Management Studies,Vol. 6,No.2 ISSN; 0975-7104.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012).’ Role conflict between Job involvement and Turnover intention behavior of the employees ‘, FIIB – Business Review.Vol.1, No.2.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012).’The function of work life conflict as a mediator between work exhaustion and job stress.’ IASMS- Journal of Business Spectrum. Vol . V. No. 1. Pg, 52 ISSN: 0974-8016.
    Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012).’ Inter- relationship among the antecedents of role conflict and its implications, SJCC Management review. Vol. No. 3, pg 37. December 2012. ISSN No: 2249-4359.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2012).” The interference of work life conflict between organizational climate and Job satisfaction of women employees in information technology sector. ISSN: 2319-510X. Asia – Pacific Journal of Management research and Innovation. No. 8 (3) 351- 360. September 2012.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2011). Conflict segments of women employees of IT sector in India- Its relevance with the demographic profile. OORJA – Journal of Management and IT. Vol. 9, No. 2. Pg 28. ISSN: 0974-7869.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2011). Demographic factors- Discriminators of role conflict segments – An empirical study among women employees in Information Technology sector in Chennai. PES Business Review” Vol. 6. Issue. 2. Pg, 13, ISSN 0973-919X.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Ramasundaram, G. (2011). ‘ The role of spousal support , superior support and co worker support in determining work family conflict of employed women in IT sector’ Ushus- Journal of business management, Vol. 10, No. 2, Pg 53.
  • Aiswarya. B. and Rao, S.S. (2010). ‘Implications of select antecedents of work life conflict of women employees’ information technology sector in India’. Kindler Vol. X, Number, 2, Pg 31. ISSN: 0973-0486.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2010).’ ‘Depression – An indication of work life conflict: An exploration of the competing role demands work and family collide. A journal of Research of Prestige Institute of Management ‘.Vol.1. No.1.Pg, 15.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2009). ‘Exploring the Work to Family and Family to Work Relationship with Depression on Academic women employees with select Demographic profile’. Abhigyan, Vol, XXVII, No. 2. Pg, 52-64. ISSN: 0970-2385.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2008). ‘Eves in Academia: Conflicting Roles ‘. SCMS – Journal of Indian Management. Vol. V. No. 2. Pg, 102-107. ISSN: 0973-3167.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2009).’An indication of work family conflict among academic women employees’. PCTE- Journal of Business Management, Vol, 6. Issue, No, 2. Pg, 90-94. ISSN: 0973-4066.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2008).’ A study on incompatible roles played by women faculty in academic institutions’. Contemporary Management Research. Vol, 2. Issue, 2. Pg, 53. ISSN: 90973-8266.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2007).’ Incongruence in the roles played by employed women in work family interface – An approach to Role Conflict’. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management. Vol.2 No: 3, 4. Pg, 45. ISSN: 0973-9785.
  • Rao, S.S. and Aiswarya. B. (2007). Incongruence between the roles played by employed women in work family interface – a dual paradigm approach. Pranjana- The journal of Management awareness. Vol. 10. No 2. Pg, 29-43 ISSN: 0971-9997.

Second Author

    1. Selvi, A.J.A.and Aiswarya, B. (2022), “Relationship of ethical Leaders and motivation with the moderation effect of emotional intelligence for embedding the job knowledge: The new conceptual framework”,  Journal of Education:  Rabindra Bharati University ISSN: 0972 – 7175 (Listed in UGC Care 1).
    2. Selvi, A.J.A.and Aiswarya, B. (2022), “Examining the relationship between emotional intelligence and work engagement of automobile sector employees in Chennai”, Rajagiri Management Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (Listed in UGC Care 1).
    3. Selvi, A and Aiswarya, B. (2021) “COVID-19, World of Work and Personal Lives – An Impact Analysis”, Management Matters, Vol.18, No.1, pp.-47-58. ISSN 2279-0187.
    4. Selvi, A and Aiswarya, B. (2021) “COVID-19, World of Work and Personal Lives – An Impact Analysis,” Management Matters, Vol.18, No.1, pp.-47-58
    5. Dominic, M. & Aiswarya. B. (2021). How COVID-19 affected school Education industry. Impact of COVID-19 on the Business sector (pp 24-30). ISBN: 978-81-949524-1-1.
    6. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya. B. (2020).” Dynamic relationship between Return and volatility, Test engineering and Management, April 2020, Vol. 83. ISSN: 0193 – 4120
    7. Sudha Paulin, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2019). Work force Diversity – Marking an impression on the communication and the productivity of the organisation, Journal of Advanced research in Dynamical and control system, vol. 11, issue 2. (Second author).
    8. Sowmiya, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2019). Work place spirituality and spiritual leadership its impact on organisational growth, Journal of Advanced   research in Dynamical and control system, vol.  11, issue.
    9. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya. B. (2019),” Dynamic relationship between return and volatility of large and small cap stocks. , Journal of Private Equity.
    10. Sudha Paulin, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2018). “Efficacy of Team Management with Respect to Knowledge Competency”, Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research, UGC approved, Volume- 4, pp 253, ISSN (P): 2395- 5929.
    11. Sowmiya, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2018).“An Impact of Full Range Leadership Model on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour”, International Journal of Research In humanities, Arts and Literature, Volume-6, pp 78, ISSN (P): 2347-4564.
    12. Sowmiya, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2017). “People leave managers, not the companies”, LIBA Cases, pp 308, ISBN: 978-1-947027-08-4.
    13. Sudha Paulin, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2017). “Creativity and Innovation – A tool for an effective teamwork in the organization”, Journal of Management, Volume 1, and pp 87, ISSN: 2347-3940
    14. Sudha Paulin, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2017). “Impact of workforce diversity in the Knowledge Sharing of the organisation”, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovation, Volume 3, pp 125, ISSN: 2348-4705.
    15. Sudha Paulin, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2017). “A qualitative examination on Job   Longevity of seafarers”, LIBA Cases, pp 317, ISBN: 978-1-947027-08-
    16. Sowmiya, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2017). “Managing people across Culture”, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovation, Volume 3, pp 119, ISSN: 2348-4705.
    17. Sowmiya, M. and Aiswarya, B. (2017). “Role of Servant Leadership on Today’s Scenario”, Journal of Management, Volume 2, and pp 661, ISSN: 2347-3940.
    18. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya. B. (2013).” Information search: An empirical study among retail banking customers in India”. Allana Management Journal of Research. Vol.3. Issue No.2 June 2013. ISSN: 2231 -0290
    19. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya. B. (2013),” A study on motives of borrowing among life style based segments of retail banking customers in India., Gitam Journal of Management Vol.11, No.3, July- sep 2013, ISSN no: 0972-740x.
    20. Ramasundaram, G., and Aiswarya, B. (2012). Purpose of borrowing retail; Credit in India:   An evaluation among segments with different locus of control “Invertis journal of management. Vol. 4. No 1. Pg, 25.  ISSN”: 0975-6310.
    21. Ramasundaram, G., and Aiswarya, B. (2012). ‘Motives behind consumer credit: A comparative study among demographic segment ‘. ITM n Ach’ Vol.  No. 1. Pg, 51.  ISSN 0975-3249.
    22. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya, B. (2012). ‘Association between motives of borrowing and personalities – an empirical study among retail banking customers’. Pratibimbha- Journal of IMIS Vol. 2.  1, Pg. 73-84. ISSN: 0972-5466.
    23. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya, B. (2011). The Borrowing Motives:  A study among retail credit customers of different life cycle segments in India. Management Insight Vol. VII. No. 2.  Pg, 101.  ISSN:  0973-936X
    24. Ramasundaram, G. and Aiswarya, B. (2011).” An analysis of changing motives of consumer’s credit among segments based on financial maturity and types of loan’. DBJC, -Journal of Business Research. Vol. 1. No. 1. Issue No .1. Pg. 50. ISSN: 2248-9711.


Book chapters Published:

  • Surging Women’s Power: Social Value Creation Of Community Fridge In Chennai – A Case Study On Social Entrepreneurship. Envisioning India’s Future.2022.
  • Is this not called sexual harassment? Compendium of Management cases., 2022.
  • Kaikeyi of the corporate world. Book on Business and management cases on Indian ethos and scriptures. 2021.
  • Employee Engagement – A driving Force for Sustaining employees, Sustainable HRM, Springer Publications. (2020)
  • Impact of COVID on the Informal Sector – Street Vendor Employment. Impact of COVID 19 on the Global Economy, ISBN – 978-81-940480-4-6,(2020).
  • A detrimental Development – The case of the Sterlite Industries, Edited Book on Case studies on Contemporary   Management, 2019.


Conference Seminar and Symposia – Attended

Title of the article Name of the programme Organizer Date
Prediction Of Psychological Distress Among It Employees Using Artificial Neural Network International Conference, “Redefining Human Resources and Marketing Management Perspectives Jain University 8th April , 2021.
Selecting or Holding a faculty, which is more challenging? case study. International Conference on Managing Business in a COVID – 19 Era: Opportunities and Challenges Skyline University, Sharjah March, 23, 2021.
Employee’s staying intention in a start-up – why and why not International Conference on Management. Nirma University 7th January, 2021.
Responsible management for sustainability and circular economy International Conference on Management Indian Institute of Management, Jammu 14th Dec 2020
Does Leadership style influence employee sustainability. AIMS conference Indian Institute of Management,  Kozhikode Jan 2-4, 2020.


The Green Revolution Practices in Human Resource Management- Adoption of Policies and Practices International Conference on Business and Economics Faculty of Business Studies,  University of Dhaka October  29- 30, 2019.
The impact of engagement practices on the employee sustainability of the organisations. 6th international  conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence Indian Institute of  Science, Bangalore. 20- 22 December, 2018.
The role  of work force  diversity  on the  employee sustainability in the organization Third  International conference on Business and economics  Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka. October, 9th  & 10th . 2018.
The role of culture on maintaining employee sustainability in organizations. International conference on society and management: Indian culture vis a vis western culture. Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. December, 7th  & 8th. 2018
Employee engagement: A driving force for sustaining employees. International conference  on sustainable human resources management University of Hyderabad. November 1st  & 2nd , 2018
Influencing factors that impact the Normative commitment of employees. International conference on decision sciences. Indian Institute of Management, Trichy. 30th December, 2017.
A study on the influence of personal attributes and the commitment level of employees. International conference on Managing Human Resources at the workplace. Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Institute for management development. 8th Dec, 2017
A  tool for an effective team work in the organization Confluence, 2K 17. International conference on implementation strategies for sustainable innovation D.G. Vaishnava College, Chennai. 25th, October,2017.
Employee brand relationship – Brand building for employees to stay committed. IIM –  Indore marketing conference Indore, July, 27-29, 2017.
1. Changing Employee Skills – The Hidden Potential Leverage in IT Industry.

2. People leave Managers and not the Companies.

3. A qualitative examination on job longevity of seafarers.

4. From frustrated to forward leading.


Case conference  Workshop Conference proceedings. April, 2017.
Organizational Branding  and Employee Commitment – A critical Analysis International conference on Science and Management Jeppiaar Eng. College. 23rd & 24th March, 2017,
Employee reaction towards performance appraisal practice and commitment as an organizational outcome.


National conference  on Rethinking People management Xavier School of Human Resource Management, Xavier University, Bhubaneshwar , Feb, 3-4, 2017.
The impact of Career development practices on the Organizational commitment of employees Conference on National Academy of Psychology IIT Madras, 29-31, Dec, 2016.
The influence of HR practices on employee sustainability. International conference on sustainability IIM – Shillong , March 17-19, 2016.
Women and choices – Barriers encountered Intelligence, innovation and Inclusion (3i) – Best practices for Global Excellence. Department of Management Studies – Pondicherry University, March, 11-12, 2016
Demographic factors – Discriminators of role  conflict: An empirical  study among women employees in information  technology  sector Anveshana, 2011 , A research paper contest PES institute of Technology – Bangalore Aug, 2011.
Attitude towards credit: An empirical study among different demographic segments. International conference on Emerging Trends and practices in Management (ETPM). Dhanraj Baid Jain College -Chennai.  Aug, 2011.
The family support as a moderating factor influencing the work life conflict of employed women in  IT sector National conference on Emerging  Trends in Business Management Vels University- Chennai. April, 2011.
The impact of support on role conflict of employed women in the IT sector in Chennai. International conference  on Global Business Environment and its impact on Management education (ICGBEIM) Periyar Institute of Management  Studies- Salem Feb, 2011 
A conceptual frame work of the Antecedents of work family conflict National conference Bharat University- Chennai. Aug, 2010
Work Family conflict : A perspective  from Married  Women professionals National  Conference on Building Global Leadership St. Joseph’s College of Engineering. Chennai April 2010.
An Interface between  work family conflict and  work life balance UGC Sponsored National seminar University of Madras- Chennai Feb,  2010
Women In  Work Family  Interface An approach to Work  Life Balance International  Conference  On Global  Business Strategy in Competitive  Environment Sri Sai ram Institute of  Management Studies- Chennai  Sep,  2007
Incongruence in the roles  played by employed women in  work family  Interface: An approach  to role conflict International Conference Great  Lakes Institute of Management- Chennai Dec, 2007
The Dilemma Continues Business Mandate MMA Publication Sep, 2006
The working  mother , A winner all the way Open page -column  The Hindu Aug , 2011

Key Note Speaker:

  • Home: Challenges and Prospects, Binary University of Management and Entrepreneurship, Aug 2021. International Conference.
  • Promoting Business Innovations: HR perspective. Loyola Academy, May 2022.


Case Studies Published:

  1. A detrimental Development – The case of the Sterlite Industries, Edited Book on Case studies on Contemporary   Management, 2019.


Workshops Attended

Name of the programme

Organizer Association with


Human Resource Audit  Department of Mgt Studies -Indian Institute of Technology Madras AICTE & ISTE short term training programme October 2004
Internal Auditor Training Sathyabama University  DET NORSKE VERITAS Aug, 2007
Human Resource Development – FDP Confederation of Indian Industry. (CII)  January – March, 2019.


FDP/ Conference/ Workshops.

Programme Title of the programme In association  with Date Funds generated
MDP Leadership strategies DMI & MMI sisters  and fathers. January, 2022
Training Program Technology for Women ICSSR October, 2020  
MDP Leadership MSME January 2020.  
MDP Supervisory development program For Johnson lifts Dec 9th & 10th.  
Executive Development program Effectiveness and Efficiency of the IT officials For Direct  taxes training  Institute.


21st October, 2019  
Key note  address Gender stereotyping in business organisations. National Commission for Women 30 th April , 2019  


Resource person – work shop. Research methodology workshop Organized by Loyola college 25th 30th

November, 2017.



Acted as a resource person. Work shop / Training program on Leadership, Motivation, communication and Team building Tamil nadu co-operative society. (4 No’s) During, 2015. 20,000
Training program Human Rights of Women National Human Rights Commission. GOI March , 2014 50,000
Work shop Skill development program on food processing Entrepreneurship development institute, Govt. of India. January, 2014 15,000
Training Program


Entrepreneurship development program Entrepreneurship development institute, Govt. of India. December,2013 10,000
Faculty  Development Program Art of investing in stock markets Madras  Stock exchange December,2013 25,000
Training Program


Women  Entrepreneurship development program Entrepreneurship development institute, Govt. of India. November 2013 10,000
National Conference Women Empowerment  2013 NABARD, Indian Bank, MSME October, 2013 2,00,000
Consultancy Entrepreneurship Awareness Entrepreneurship awareness Entrepreneurship development institute, Govt. of India. July, 2013 10,000
Skill development program (5) Laptop repair, mobile phone servicing, mushroom cultivation. Ministry of micro small and medium enterprises From 2011-203 8,000
Awareness program Aspiration Civil service                  – June  2013
Consultancy Intellectual property rights July 2013 25,000
 Consultancy Work shop Entrepreneurship  development Entrepreneurship development institute, Govt. of India. April 2013 10,000
Faculty development Financial literacy program. Reserve Bank of India March 2013  10,000
Refresher Training Program – Business skills Postal  Department, Govt. of India January 2013 11,000
Conference  ENTIME 2012 CII, MMA October 2012


Faculty Development program Software Package Social Sciences                   – September 2012 20,000
Technical Training Computer Literacy Program


                   – May 2012 10,000
Work shop Convergence for Women Self Help Groups (SHG) Empowerment and Training (CONSET 2012). NABARD, MSME, WDC, REPCO Bank and   Indian Bank. October 2012 1,00,000


Funded Projects

Name of the project

Funding Agency



Technology Business Incubator National Science and Technology entrepreneurship development Board – Department of Science and technology, GOI 72 lakhs Two years
Disaster Management Plan Bharatiya Nabikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited – BHAVINI – Department of Atomic Energy GOI 5 lakhs 6 months
Best HR Practices in IT companies in Chennai LIBA 75 thousand 12 months

Primary Interests

  • Human Resources
  • Organisational Behaviour

Additional Interests

  • Human resource development
  • Training and Development

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