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Dr. Deepa Ittimani Tholath

Associate Dean – Ph.D. Programmes Associate Professor of Marketing

QUALIFICATION & SPECIALIZATION :B.Tech. (Hons.), M.B.A (Cochin University), Ph.D. (Kerala University) Marketing Management

EXPERIENCE IN YEARS TEACHING/PRACTICE/INDUSTRY/RESEARCH : 14 years of teaching / 1.5years of industry / 18years of research.

Dr. Deepa Ittimani Tholath is a university gold medalist at the MBA level. Her doctoral thesis is on Knowledge Management and its Implementation Possibilities in the Service Sector. She began her career as a banker at IDBI Bank and later shifted to teaching by introducing Knowledge Management as an elective at LIBA in 2001. Her research interests include Consumer Behaviour, Pricing, Knowledge Management, Influencer Marketing and Services Marketing. She has published papers in national peer- reviewed journals and presented papers at national and international conferences. She is a research guide registered with the University of Madras.

Dr Deepa Ittimani Tholath has done her PhD in Knowledge Management and  is a gold medallist at the MBA level and completed her NET and SLET qualifying examination during the same year.During graduation she  had pursued her BTech graduating with honours


1.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Gabriel Simon Thattil “Knowledge Management”-. Discovery publishing House Pvt .Ltd.ISBN-978-93-5056-317-5, 2013.

2.      Indira A, P, V Alexander, Deepa Ittimani Tholath, ,Madhava Priya ,Irudaya Veni Mary , LIBA  CASES 2017- A Symposium on Business Case Studies (Ed).Notion Press ISBN : 978-1-947027-08-4,April 2017.


Book Chapter


1.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath Chapter on “Sensory Marketing- Creating the Experience”.  Marketing Dynamics, (Ed), G Muruganantham, and Arena Publications India ISBN: 978-93-8179-093-9, February 2013.

2.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Fr.Casimirraj.S.J Chapter on “Sketches of Online Shopper Personas and Their Customer Journey Mapping”, Social Media and Organizational Sustainability. (Ed) Bloomsbury.ISBN:978-93-85936-04-3, February 2016.(Scopus indexed)

3.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath,“Riding The Knowledge Cycle- The Infosys Route”  Knowledge Management in Digital  India, Gosh,Venumohan Gupta,K.Datta,Pankaj Kumar Singh,P.K.Srivastava (Ed) MotiLal Rastogi School of Management , Lucknow ISBN:978-1-63535 -768-4.2017, Pp27-30.

4.      Deepa Intiman Tholath, Indira A, “Economics of Building an Eco friendly Low Cost Housing Unit “ Innovations for Sustainable Business ,Etinder Pal Singh,Rajneesh Mahajan,Ruchi Malik(Ed) , Excellent Publishing House , NewDelhi. ISBN: 978-93-84562-07-6.February 2017, pp45-53.

5.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath – Contributer “Advertising management ,6e”, Rajeev Batra, John G Myers and David A Aaker ,.Pearson India Education Services Pvt Process)





Cases Studies



  1. A.Indira,Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Weaving Sustainability into Affordable  Housing- Anna Builders” Case and Teaching Note ,AMC Indian Journal of Entrepreneurship,ISSN – 2581-7302, Vol 2, No 2,April –June 2019.pp 16-28.


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“Remixing Experiential Marketing – Asian Paints” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 517-0126-1, 517-0126-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK. July 2017.


  1. Khadeeja Bilquees A, Deepa Ittimani Tholath” A Skin for Products: A Differentiation Dilemma “LIBA CASES 2017 – A Symposium on Business Case Studies, Notion Press, Chennai (Ed) ISBN : 978-1-947027-08-4,April 2017.pp 114-122


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“The Curious Case of Gold Souk Grandé” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 517-0034-1, 517-0034-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK. March 2017.



  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“Sustainable Marketing’s Secret Ingredients– Warby Parker” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 517-0014-1, 517-0014-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK. January 2017.


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“Awakening the Real Indian Beauty -Dove” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 716-0080-1, 716-0080-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK.November 2016.


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“How Will the Knot be Tied – Indian Online Matrimony” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 516-0032-1,516-0032-8 The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, and UK.
  2. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“In the Number Uno Race- Trends in Vogue” Case & Teaching Note. . The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, Ref No 516-0043-1,516-0043-8. Economic Times Case Collection. Product Code (MKTG-1-0050, MKTG-1-0050A).February2016. vogue.html.
  3. Deepa Ittimani Tholath. (2015). “The Bovonto Challenge”, Sustainable Management Practices- Trends issues and Challenges. Madras University, Glowplus Publisher, Chennai, P.S.Bhuvaneswari (Ed). ISBN: 978-81-929581-3-2. pp13-23.

Journal Publications:


1.      Rintle Mathew , Deepa Ittimani Tholath” Antecedents Of Organic Prosumption Behaviour: Examining The Moderating Effect Of Ease Of Organic Prosumption Practice” Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal,,,ISSN 2414-584X, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2024, pp190-214.(Scopus)

2.      Rintle Mathew , Deepa Ittimani Tholath” Prosumers and Sustainability in the Age of Marketing 5.0: An Exploratory Study of Prosumer’s Attitude towards Eco-Friendly Goods and Services” International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Scope (IRJMS), DOI: 10.47857/irjms.2024.v05i03.0913,ISSN (O): 2582-631X, 5(3) , 2024; pp942-954.(Scopus)

3.      Mark David Devanesan, Deepa Ittimani Tholath and Sunil Vakayil ,” Prosumption and Gameplay Experience: Stardew Valley Mods” – Journal of Research Administration, ISSN:1539-1590 | E-ISSN:2573-7104 Vol. 5 No. 2, (2023),pp7419-7455. (Scopus ).

4.      Rintle Mathew , Deepa Ittimani Tholath” Prosumerisam and Commercialisation of Religion ”Journal of Dharma “,ISSN 0253-7222,48,2, April- June 2023.pp269-288.(Scopus)

5.      Poorna Chandran K.R., Deepa Ittimani Tholath” Digital Revolution In Banking Services And Ethical Aspects_ A Review ”Journal Of Positive School Psychology ,2022,Vol6,No.5,2364-2370.

6.      Poorna Chandran K.R., Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Digital Finance as a Means for Financial Inclusion in India A Review  “ABS International Journal of Management  ,ISSN-2319-684X,2022,Vol X,No.2,1-8.


7.      A Marcus, Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Samuel Moses J “A Study On Employee Engagement Programs  In Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises In Tamil Nadu” – Shoda Prabha, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, ISSN:0974-8946, UGC CARE approved Group 1,  Journal Vol.47, Issue-03, No.04: 2022,pp.151-154.

8.      A Marcus, Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Samuel Moses J “Impact Of Employee Engagement Programs On Organizational Effectiveness – A Study With Reference To Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises In Tamil Nadu”,Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN: 0030-5324, UGC CARE LIST NO. 135,Vol. 71, Issue. 03, No.18, 2022, pp. 43-48

9.      Madhava Priya D , Deepa Ittimani Tholath ,” Analysis of Individual Investor Behaviour in Indian Stock Markets– Post Covid  , Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology , ISSN No : 1006-7930, Volume XIV, Issue 4, 2022, April 2022, pp.24-38 (Scopus ).


10.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath , Ramasubramaniam M, Xavier M.J,” Comparing And Contrasting India’s NEP 2020 And UNESCO’s Educational Policy Using Text Analytics”, International Journal of Business and Economics ,ISSN (online) 2545-4137, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2021,May 2021, pp. 63-73.(ABDC:B).

11.  Mark David Devanesan, Deepa Ittimani Tholath and Sunil Vakayil ,” Influence Of Promotions And Change In Buyer Behaviour Due To Covid 19 On The Intent To Increase Usage Of Digital Payment Systems, Academy  of Marketing Studies Journal,ISSN -1528-2678-25-2-383,Vol25,Issue-2, March 2021, pp.383-398 (ABDC:B).

12.  D Madhava Priya and Deepa Ittimani Tholath, “GST in India – Deal Maker or Breaker for Distributers”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Vol-9,Issue-1,May2020,pp. 885 – 894. (Scopus )


13.  Khadeeja Bilquees A and Deepa Ittimani Tholath, “Exploratory Study On Factors Affecting The Credibility Of Social Influencers On Facebook”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN              22076360, 20054238 ,Vol. 29, No. 3s, (2020), pp. 847-849. (Scopus ,SJR)


14.  Khadeeja Bilquees A and Deepa Ittimani Tholath, “The Influence of Instagram Travel Influencers and Travel Motivation on Destination Image and Travel Intention”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Vol-8,Issue-4S3,December 2019,pp. 253 – 255. (Scopus )


15.  Khadeeja Bilquees A and Deepa Ittimani Tholath, ” Factors affecting The Credibility of Beauty Influencers on Instagram”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), ISSN: 2349-5138, July 2019,Special Issue, -UGC Approved Journal-43602.pp. 132 – 135.


16.  A.Indira,Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Weaving Sustainability into Affordable  Housing- Anna Builders” Case and Teaching Note ,AMC Indian Journal of Entrepreneurship,ISSN – 2581-7302, Vol 2, No 2,April –June 2019.pp 16-28.


17.  Khadeeja Bilquees A and Deepa Ittimani Tholath, “Reasearch on Effect of Influencer Endorsement on Purchase Intention of Cosmetics”, International Journal of Research in Humanities Art and Literature (IJRHAL), ISSN: 2347-4564, November2018, Volume-VI, Issue 11, Impact F- 3.7985, UGC Approved Journal-40893.pp. 92 – 97.


18.  Khadeeja Bilquees A and Deepa Ittimani Tholath, “Customer Loyalty – Analysing The Globally Applicable Contributing Factors”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Engineering and Technology (IJARMET), ISSN: 2456 – 2998, September 2017, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp. 887 – 894.

19.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Gattu Tales – Painting  an Experience “ MIM Mnagement Research Journal .ISSN-2277-6133,  Vol: 1, Issue-1, January 2017, pp46-49


20.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Fr.Casimirraj.S.J “Customer Journey Maps for Demographic Online Customer Profiles”International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, ISSN-1942-9010, Vol: 8, Issue 1, January -March 2016, pp1-18.

21.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Gabriel Simon Thattil”Motivational Drivers of Knowledge Sharing in Banking Sector of India”, The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol.XIV, and No: 1, January 2016, pp33-45.

22.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Sustainability & Innovation: Building up the Culture “International Journal of Organizational Behaviour and Management Perspectives.”ISSN-2279-0950, Vol: 4, Issue-4, October-December 2015, pp2000-2004.

23.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath and Gabriel Simon Thattil “Motivational Drivers of Knowledge Sharing in the Banking Sector in India “Proceedings of Annual Spain Business Research Conference 14 – 15 September 2015, Novotel Barcelona City Hotel, Barcelona, Spain ISBN: 978-1-922069-84-9.

24.  Sathyapriya J, P Srinivas Rao, Padma Charan Sahu, and Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Work Efficiency Acquisition: Need for Human Resource Professional.”IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management and Technology, .ISSN-2249-9563, Vol: 4, No.3, June 2014, pp174-180.

25.  Sathyapriya J, Guru P,S Lakshmi Narasimhan,Deepa Ittimani Tholath,K Aparna “Human Resource Accounting-A Study on Redefining Human Capital Investment in Corporate Sector” “International Journal Of  Business Administration and Management .ISSN-2278-3660,,Vol:4,Number-1(2014),pp41-50.

26.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Facebook for Business-The New Entrepreneurial Portal “International Journal of Scientific Research.ISSN-2277-8179, Vol: 3, Issue-4, Special April Issue 2014, pp15-17.

27.  P Srinivas Rao, Padma Charan Sahu, Sathyapriya J, Deepa Ittimani Tholath “A Study of Customers Attitude and Behaviour on Purchase of Gold Jewellery in Chennai City.”IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management and Technology l .ISSN-2249-9563, Vol: 4, No.1, February 2014, pp54-60.

28.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath, A.Indira”Use of Eco-Friendly Building Materials in Low Cost Housing”. Management Matters, ISSN 2279-0187, and Vol 13: Issue 2, July-December2013.

29.   Fr Casimirraj S J ,Deepa Ittimani Tholath,” Improving  The Travel experience by Listening to the Customers-The Indian Railways” International Journal of Management Science ISSN-2347-856, ,Vol:3,Issue-4,December 2013,pp7-9.

30.  Sathyapriya J, Karpagavalli G, ,Deepa Ittimani Impact factor- Tholath “A Study on Reasons for Resistance to Change and Managing Change “International Journal Of Management .ISSN-0976-6510, ,Vol:4,Issue-6,November-December 2013,pp165-169.

31.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath, “Customer Perception Comparative Analysis of Banking Segments in India” Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities .ISSN-2278-859X, Vol: 1, Issue-18, December 2013, pp356-372.

32.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath,S. Nagalakshmi “A study on Importance of Measuring HR’s Effectiveness” Indian Journal of Applied Research .ISSN-2249-555X, Vol: 3, Issue-12, December 2013, pp333-334.

33.  Sathyapriya J, Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Making Performance Management System Effective” Global Research Analysis International .ISSN-2277-8160, Vol: 2, Issue-10, October 2013, pp59-60.

34.  Sathyapriya J,S Lakshmi Narayan,R Vandahana,Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Customer accessibility and Intensification Of Fusion Marketing “International Journal of Scientific Research.ISSN-2277-8179,Vol:2,Issue-8,August 2013,pp277-279.

35.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath“Knowledge Dimensions to Monitor Knowledge Growth in Service Sector”, the IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol.XI, and No: 3, July 2013.pp29-41.

36.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath“Africa-An Emerging Market for Indian Investments”, Shabdasmi-An International Journal, .ISSN-2249-0051, Vol.III, Issue I, June 2013.pp59-64.

37.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath , A.Indira,A Study to Identify the opportunities and challenges  for sustainable building practices in low income housing,Monograph,Prof C.K Prahalad Centre for Emerging India, Loyola Institute of Business Administration,Chennai,June 2012

38.  Vandhana Sriram, Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Retaining The Best Talent-Challenges and Strategies for Higher Education Sector” Service Management Strategy and Challenges in The Era of Globalisation Indian Academy School Of Management Studies, ISSN 978-81-920859-1-3, April2012.

39.   Deepa Ittimani Tholath“Knowledge For Understanding Customers”, “Kerala Calling”, Kerala Government Publication., RN No:35991/80,KLTV(N) /104/2009-2011,April 2009.pp 40-42





i.            Paper on “Prosumers and Sustainability in the Age of Marketing 5.0: An Exploratory Study of Prosumer Attitudes Toward Eco-Friendly Goods and Services “at Vपणन International Marketing Conference hosted by Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India during May 5 – 6, 2023.

ii.            Best Paper award for “Digital Finance as a Means for Financial Inclusion in India A Review  ”at  International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Business Models by Asian Business School , Noida    on 26th November 2022.

iii.            Paper on “Disruptive Technologies and Financial Inclusion  ”, International Conference on Transforming Business Practices through Disruptive Technologies   by NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology and Kettering University Michigan ,during 25and 26 November  2022.

iv.            Paper on “Digital Payment Systems and Financial Inclusion  A Study ”, International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Emerging Markets (CIEMC 2022) by Indian Institute of Management Bodhgaya in collaboration with Waikato Management School , The University of Waikato, New Zealand    held in Bodhgaya, India during 28 and 29 October 2022.

v.            Paper on “Does Gig Economy and uncertainty go hand in hand A  comprehensive Case Analysis of India based Gig Professionals ”, International Conference on Covid 19 : Learnings and Implications for Management  by Indian Institute of Management Indore in collaboration GIZ Germany , 16and 17April 2022

vi.            Paper on “A Behavioral study on the factors influencing selection of restaurants online during COVID-19 using multivariate statistical analysis “,2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence2021) ,Online,| 978-1-6654-1451-7/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 0.1109/Confluence51648.2021.9377143.

vii.            Paper on “Comparing And Contrasting India’s NEP 2020 And UNESCO’s Educational Policy Using Text Analytics”, 1st Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC 2020) by Rajagiri  Business School in Collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington NewZealand   held in Kochi, India during 15 and 16 October 2020.

viii.            Paper on “Influence of Promotions and Change in Buyer Behaviour due to Covid 19 on Intent to Increase Usage of Digital Payment Systems”, 1st Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC 2020) by Rajagiri  Business School in Collaboration with Victoria University of Wellington NewZealand   held in Kochi, India during 15 and 16 October 2020.

ix.            Paper on “The Influence of Instagram Travel Influencers and Travel Motivation on Destination Image and Travel Intention”, International Conference on Transformation in Industry in An Era Of Digitalization: Challenges and Opportunities (ICID) by Guru Nanak College Affiliated to Madras University Chennai. September 28th, 2019.

                  x.            Case on “The Curious Case of Gold Souk Grande “, Global Summit on Management Cases (GSMC), hosted by Indian Institute of Management, Raipur. February 10th and 11th 2017.

                xi.            Case on “Gattu Tales- Painting an Experience. “International Conference on Emerging Economies: Opportunities and Challenges. Hosted by Maharashtra Institute of Management, Kalamb, and Pune.           17th and 18th January 2017.

              xii.            Case on “Sustainable Marketing’s Secret Ingredients- Warby Parker.” Vth International Conference- ELIXIR 2016. hosted by Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur         17th December 2016, at Nagpur

             xiii.            Case on “In the Number UNO Race-Trends in Vogue “, Global Summit on Management Cases (GSMC), hosted by Indian Institute of Management, Raipur. February 6th 2016.

             xiv.            Paper on “Sketches of Online Shopper Personas and Their Customer Journey Mapping”, International Conference on The Role of social Media for Organizational Sustainability (ICROSMOS),.hosted by Jaipuria Institute of Management,Noida,on 12th and 13th  of February  ,2016

xv.            Paper on “Motivational Drivers of Knowledge Sharing in the Banking Sector in India “at the Annual Spain Business Research Conference, 14 – 15 September 2015, Novotel Barcelona City Hotel, Barcelona, Spain hosted by World Business Institute, Australia.

xvi.            Paper  on “Sustainability & Innovation –Building Up The Culture” at the   International Conference themed “ Creativity and Innovation for Business Sustainability” hosted by School of  Humanities , Science & Management Department of Management Studies  Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur on  6th and 7th  November 2014.

xvii.            The Case Centre Anniversary Conference held at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore on September 08-09, 2014.

xviii.            Paper  on “Women Empowerment Through Micro Financing” at the2nd International Conference on Financial Inclusion from Obligation to Opportunity-ICFI 2014  “ hosted by the CMR Institute Of Management Studies,  Bangalore on the 30th  April  2014

xix.            Paper  on “Improving  The Travel experience by Listening to the Customers-The Indian Railways”  at AICTE sponsored International Conference on Economics,Business,Finance, Human Resource & Technology for  Sustainable Development by Sai Ram Institute of Management Sudies on the 20and 21st   of  December 2013

xx.            Paper  on “Knowledge Dimensions To Monitor Knowledge Growth In Service Sector”  at 2nd International Conference on Business Intelligence,Analytics and Knowledge Management ,BIAKM(2013) hosted by IBS Hyderabad on the 17-19th April  2013

xxi.            Paper  on “Knowledge Management-A Catalyst To The Innovation Mix”  at the International Conference on Innovations  in Management Practices(ICIMP) hosted by the Kristu Jayanthi College Of Management of Technology,Bangalore-560077on the 21,22,April  2012.


i.            Paper On “Digital Revolution In Banking Services And Ethical Aspects: A Review “along With Poornachandran At National Conference “Management & entrepreneurial challenges in dynamic business environment – post covid era – MEC 2022” organized by Department of MBA, Acharya Institutes of Technology, Bangalore on March 4th & 5th, 2022

ii.            Paper On “A Review Paper On Agri-preneurs As Prosumers: A Call For Self-sufficiency And Sustainable Development “along With Rintle Mathew  At National Conference “Management & entrepreneurial challenges in dynamic business environment – post covid era – MEC 2022” organized by Department of MBA, Acharya Institutes of Technology, Bangalore on March 4th & 5th, 2022.

iii.            Paper On “A Review Paper On Agri-Preneurship As An Aid To Sustainable Development Of Rural Population In India “along With Rintle Mathew  At National Conference “Research and Innovation in Commerce, Management and Social Sciences for sustainable National Development” by faculty of Commerce and Business Studies , Motherhood University , Roorkee,Uttarakhand on August 14 , 2021.


iv.            Paper on “Factors affecting The Credibility of Beauty Influencers on Instagram “along with Khadeeja Bilquees at National Conference on Management, Technology& Innovation in The VUCA World-Role in Value Creation held at Department of Management Studies New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore. March 23rd 2019.

v.            Paper on “A comparative Study of Loyalty Studies to Identify The Underlying Factors of Customer Loyalty “along with Khadeeja Bilquees at National Conference on Current Practices and Emerging Trends In Management held at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology ,Udyambag , Belgavi on September 8th and 9th  2017.

vi.            Best Case Award received for  “Weaving Sustainability into Affordable  Housing- Anna Builders” along with Dr A. Indira  at Business Case Conference 2017 –Organised by Sona School of Management in collaboration with The Case Centre UK. held at Salem on 22nd and 23rd of September 2017.

vii.            Case” A Skin for Products: A Differentiation Dilemma “along with Khadeeja Bilquees A. at Case Conference 2017 – A Symposium on Business Case Studies, held at Loyola Institute of Business Administration Chennai on April 7th 2017.

viii.            Case “Riding the Knowledge Cycle- the Infosys Route” at National Seminar on Organisational Development through Knowledge Management in Digital India (NSODKMDI_2017, held at MotiLal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow on February 11th 2017.

ix.            Paper on “Economics of Building an Eco-friendly Low-Cost Housing Unit “along with Indira A at 8Th National Conference on Innovations for Sustainable Business held at Apeejay School of Management Dwaraka, NewDelhi.on February 3rd 2017.

x.            Case “ Mountains and Beyond – Ford Ecosport ” along with Shanthi Venkatesh at One day National Conference on ‘Marketing Matters in Emerging Landscape ‘held at Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on  February 04 2017.

                xi.            Case “Awakening the Real Indian Beauty –Dove” at Case Conference 2016 organised by Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore in collaboration with The Case Centre .UK. May 23 & 24, 2016.

              xii.            Paper on “Clustering Technique for mapping Behavioural Loyalty: A Conceptual Study using RFM Model in Apparel Retail Segment of India “, along with Shanthi Venkatesh, Indian Retail Conference ,(IRC-2016) School of Business, Public Policy & Social Entrepreneurship, Ambedkar University Delhi. February 26- 27, 2016.

             xiii.            Paper on “Analysis of Attributes and Marketing Strategies for Ecotourism” at the   ICSSR sponsored National Conference themed  Managerial Innovative Management Practices for Sustainable Development and Global Competitiveness IMPETUS ‘15” hosted by Department of Management Studies , Pondicherry University, Pondicherry  on the 8th and 9th  of October 2015.

             xiv.            Paper on “Facebook for Business-The New Entreprenuerial Portal” at the   ICSSR sponsored National Conference themed  Creativity and Innovation for Contemporary  Managerial Issues” hosted by School of  Humanities , Science & Management Department of Management Studies  Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur on the 26th of March 2014.

               xv.            Paper on “Africa-An Emerging Market For Indian Investments” at the  3rd National Conference themed  Management Strategies for Emerging Global Markets-Prabandhan2013 hosted by the Lokmanya Tilak Institute Of Management Studies, Nagpur on the 28th of February 2013.

xvi.            Presented a paper on “Sensory Marketing – Creating The  Experience” at the National Conference on Recent Trends in Marketing Opportunities and Challenges hosted by Department of Management Studies, National Institute Of Technology ,Thiruchirapalli on the 20th of February 2013.

xvii.            Presented a paper along with Vandhana Sriram  on “Retaining The Best Talent-Challenges and Strategies for Higher Education Sector” at the 4th  National Seminar  on Service Management Strategy and Challenges in The Era of Globalisation”  hosted by the Indian Academy School Of Management Studies,  Bangalore on the 19-20th  April  2012.

xviii.            Presented a paper on “Eco-friendly Marketing-A Reconnaissance Study to Pave a Way Forward” at the National Level Conference on Disruptive Marketing — the Way Forward? Hosted by the CMR Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore on the 27th April 2012.

xix.            Presented a paper on “Motivating Knowledge Workers” at the National Management Development Programme seminar on HR Innovations & Interventions for Resurgent India hosted by the CMR Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore on the 25th of February 2011.


Books/Book Chapters:



3.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Gabriel Simon Thattil “Knowledge Management”-. Discovery publishing House Pvt .Ltd.ISBN-978-93-5056-317-5, 2013.

4.      Indira A, P, V Alexander, Deepa Ittimani Tholath, ,Madhava Priya ,Irudaya Veni Mary , LIBA  CASES 2017- A Symposium on Business Case Studies (Ed).Notion Press ISBN : 978-1-947027-08-4,April 2017.


Book Chapter


6.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath Chapter on “Sensory Marketing- Creating the Experience”.  Marketing Dynamics, (Ed), G Muruganantham, and Arena Publications India ISBN: 978-93-8179-093-9, February 2013.

7.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Fr.Casimirraj.S.J Chapter on “Sketches of Online Shopper Personas and Their Customer Journey Mapping”, Social Media and Organizational Sustainability. (Ed) Bloomsbury.ISBN:978-93-85936-04-3, February 2016.(Scopus indexed)

8.      Deepa Ittimani Tholath,“Riding The Knowledge Cycle- The Infosys Route”  Knowledge Management in Digital  India, Gosh,Venumohan Gupta,K.Datta,Pankaj Kumar Singh,P.K.Srivastava (Ed) MotiLal Rastogi School of Management , Lucknow ISBN:978-1-63535 -768-4.2017, Pp27-30.

9.      Deepa Intiman Tholath, Indira A, “Economics of Building an Eco friendly Low Cost Housing Unit “ Innovations for Sustainable Business ,Etinder Pal Singh,Rajneesh Mahajan,Ruchi Malik(Ed) , Excellent Publishing House , NewDelhi. ISBN: 978-93-84562-07-6.February 2017, pp45-53.

10.  Deepa Ittimani Tholath – Contributer “Advertising management ,6e”, Rajeev Batra, John G Myers and David A Aaker ,.Pearson India Education Services Pvt Process)


Cases Studies



  1. A.Indira,Deepa Ittimani Tholath “Weaving Sustainability into Affordable  Housing- Anna Builders” Case and Teaching Note ,AMC Indian Journal of Entrepreneurship,ISSN – 2581-7302, Vol 2, No 2,April –June 2019.pp 16-28.


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“Remixing Experiential Marketing – Asian Paints” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 517-0126-1, 517-0126-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK. July 2017.


  1. Khadeeja Bilquees A, Deepa Ittimani Tholath” A Skin for Products: A Differentiation Dilemma “LIBA CASES 2017 – A Symposium on Business Case Studies, Notion Press, Chennai (Ed) ISBN : 978-1-947027-08-4,April 2017.pp 114-122


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“The Curious Case of Gold Souk Grandé” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 517-0034-1, 517-0034-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK. March 2017.



  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“Sustainable Marketing’s Secret Ingredients– Warby Parker” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 517-0014-1, 517-0014-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK. January 2017.


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“Awakening the Real Indian Beauty -Dove” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 716-0080-1, 716-0080-8 .The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK.November 2016.


  1. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“How Will the Knot be Tied – Indian Online Matrimony” .Case & Teaching Note.Ref No: 516-0032-1,516-0032-8 The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, and UK.
  2. Deepa Ittimani Tholath -“In the Number Uno Race- Trends in Vogue” Case & Teaching Note. . The Case Centre, Cranfield University, Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, Ref No 516-0043-1, 516-0043-8. Economic Times Case Collection. Product Code (MKTG-1-0050, MKTG-1-0050A).February2016. vogue.html.
  3. Deepa Ittimani Tholath. (2015). “The Bovonto Challenge”, Sustainable Management Practices- Trends issues and Challenges. Madras University, Glowplus Publisher, Chennai, P.S.Bhuvaneswari (Ed). ISBN: 978-81-929581-3-2. pp13-23.




·         Registered PhD guide, University of Madras since September 09, 2014.

·         Doctoral Committee (DC) member, External Examiner at

i.            Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai & Vellore

                                                      ii.            SRM University Chennai.

                                                    iii.            Vels University Chennai.

·         Member MMA – Madras Management Association

·         Member ACCI – American Council on Consumer Interests.










  • Conducted FDP on Quality Research  as Convener at Loyola Institute of Business Administration on April 26th,27th ,2021.
  • Conducted FDP on Thesis Writing  as Convener at Loyola Institute of Business Administration on April 21st ,2021.
  • Conducted FDP on Research and Publication Ethics as Convener at Loyola Institute of Business Administration on February 13th,2021.





I.             Josephine Gemson, Deepa Ittimani Tholath “An Analysis of Private Equity Investments in India”.Mini Research Studies at LIBA 2014-2015.

II.            Deepa Ittimani Tholath, A. Indira “Demand forecasting of a Personal Marine Navigational System for Indian Fishermen”. July 2014.

III.           Deepa Ittimani Tholath, A. Indira “Study on Slum Rehabilitation through Private public Partnership”. August 2013.

IV.           Deepa Ittimani Tholath, A. Indira “Market Profiling and Financial Product Development for Low-Cost Housing”. July 2013.

V.            Deepa Ittimani Tholath, A.Indira “A study to determine Key Factors in Affordable Housing Development”.June 2013.

VI.          Deepa Ittimani Tholath, A.Indira “A study to identify the Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Building Practices in Low Income Housing”. June 2012.





  • Workshop on “Data Analysis for Research in Management and Social Sciences “July 19-21, 2018. Centre for Distance Education Anna University, Chennai 600 025.
  • Member of Organising Committee -LIBA CERTATUS 2017-A Symposium on Business Case Studies.7th April 2017.
  • FDP on ‘The Art of Case Writing’ by Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Kochi on February 04 2017.
  • English Language Training (ELT) Workshop for Teachers conducted by British Council on 21st of December 2012 at   British       Library .Chennai.
  • Comprehensive training programme at the IDBI Bank Corporate Office and Staff Training College in Mumbai
  • Training programme for Managers on FINNACLE (Banking Software) at the IDBI Staff Training College, Mumbai.







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