Welcome to LIBA.
LIBA is a Jesuit Business school. It is driven by Ignatian values of Magis (Excellence), Cura Personalis (Care of the individual), and Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God). We form leaders who excel in the fields they choose to lead. That excellence is guided by values and ethics. The ways we teach and the ways our students learn, we make every effort, are relevant, innovative and dynamic. The approach we take is that every learning is formation of character that leads to building competencies. We make every effort to train our students who can discern, collaborate and network in what they do and in what they are Capacity to discern to become aware of inner motivations and movements while they make decisions and skill to collaborate and network with others to excel with ethics in what they do.
A student once formed in a B school must be able to make a difference in the lives of people and wherever he or she works, as one of the Ignatian values insists, we want our graduates to become men and women for others.
Wish you every best
Rev. Dr. C. Joe Arun, SJ
Director, LIBA