PUBLICATIONS and PRESENTATIONS by the Faculty during the Academic Year 2018-2019
A. Books
- Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter & Agna Fernandez. (2019). Management (14th). India: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN-13: 978-93-530-6722-9.
- Victor Louis Anthuvan, M., & Antony Kurusu. (2018). Soozhaliyal Melanmai (Environmental Management). Chennai: New Century Book House Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 978-93-8805-068-5.
B. Chapters in Edited Books
- Madhava Priya Dananjayan & Indira Ananth. (2019). Digitalization and growth of small businesses. In Karim Mezghani & Wassim Aloulou (Eds.), Business transformations in the era of digitalization (pp.142-159). IGI Global book series Advances in E-Business Research (AEBR). ISSN: 1935-2700; eISSN: 1935-2719.
- Madhava Priya Dananjayan & Indira Ananth. (2018). Digital marketing in a new age economy. In Luisa Cagica Carvalho & Pedro Isaias (Eds.), Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and marketing for global reach in the digital economy (pp.339-358). IGI-Global. ISBN13: 9781522563075|ISBN10: 1522563075|EISBN13: 9781522563082|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6307-5.
C. Journals
- B., & Ramasundaram, G. (2018). An assessment of the factors influencing the affective component of commitment among employees in the IT sector in Chennai. International journal of Business Excellence, 16(4), 385-406. ISSN: 1756- 0047. (Scopus Indexed).
- Irudaya Veni Mary A., Victor Louis Anthuvan M., & Christie P. (2019). Networking for social enterprises: A quintessential aspect. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 9(1), 122-128. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Khadeeja Bilquees, A., & Deepa Ittimani Tholath. (2018). Research on effect of influencer endorsement on purchase intention of cosmetics. International Journal of Research in Humanities Arts and Literature (IJRHAL), VI(11), 92-97. ISSN: 2347-4564, Impact Factor: 3.7985.
- Ragu Prasadh, R. (2019). A review of selected antecedents and theories associated with customer satisfaction. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 9(3(1)), 86-99. ISSN: 2249-0558, Impact Factor: 7.119.
- Ragu Prasadh, R. (2018). Upstream social marketing strategy in the reduction of HIV/AIDS – Related stigma. Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 17(1), 109-122. ISSN: 0972-5784. (ABDC “C” listed).
- Ragu Prasadh, R. (2018). Examining the roles of perceived quality and customer satisfaction as predictors of customer loyalty in the e-banking context. Journal of Management Research, 18(3), 176-187. ISSN: 0972-5814.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2019). The relation between the income and behavioural biases. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 24(47), 127-144. JEFAS-10-2018-0111. (SCOPUS Indexed).
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2019). Study of the factors influencing the behavioral biases of the Secondary Equity Investors in Chennai. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6(4), 645-652. ISSN: 2349-5162. Impact factor: 5.87 DOI:
- Renu Isidore, R. (2019). Financial differences between the male and female investors in the Indian secondary equity market. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 9(1), 57-65. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2019). Test of risk appetite of secondary equity investors in Chennai. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 6(1), 608-614. ISSN: 2349-5138, Impact Factor: 5.75. DOI:
- RenuIsidore, R., & Christie, P. (2019). Drivers of stock investment decision: An orthogonal linear transformation approach. The Journal of Private Equity, 22(2), 55-65. ISSN: 1096-5572. DOI: (ABDC: “C” listed & SCOPUS Indexed).
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2019). Testing the influence of demographics on the behavioral biases of the secondary equity investors in Chennai. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 9(2), 108-116. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Does gender influence investor behaviour in the secondary equity market? International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 13(11), 9651- ISSN: 0973-4562.
- Renu Isidore, R., &. Christie, P. (2018). Does the selection of sample influence the statistical output?. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 8(8), 139-148. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Does age influence investor behavior in the secondary equity market? Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 12(8), 73-82. ISSN: 1991-8178. DOI: 10.22587/ajbas.2018.12.8.15.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Investment behaviour of secondary equity investors: an examination of the relationship among the biases. Indian Journal of Finance, 12(9), 7-20. ISSN: 0973-8711. (Scopus Indexed).
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Does savings influence investor behaviour in the secondary equity market? International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5(4), 755-761. ISSN: 2349-5138, Impact Factor: 5.75. DOI:
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). The influence of equity investment proportion on investor behavior. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 5(12), 75-81. ISSN: 2349-5162.
- Madhava Priya, D., Prasanth, J., & Indira, A. (2019). Sustainability of small merchants through digital technologies. Prabandhan Indian Journal of Management, 12(1), 8-20. ISSN: 9975 2854. (Scopus Indexed).
- Madhuri Malhotra. (2018). Ethical intensity level, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Management Research, 6(8), 51-72. ISSN (O): (2321-1709), ISSN (P): (2394-4226), Impact Factor- 5.779.
- Maria Wenisch, S., & Amali, Asha. (2018). ACO based shortest path between locations within a campus. TEM Journal, 7(4), 933-936. ISSN: 2217-8309. DOI: 10.18421/TEM74-34.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Irudaya Veni Mary, A. (2019). Factors affecting the adoption of mobile payments of rural entrepreneurs – A qualitative study. International Journal of Economic Research, 16(1), 161-171. ISSN: 0972-9380. Available at http: (ABDC “C” listed).
- Navena Nesa Kumari, J. (2019). A study on women empowerment through SHG’s bank linkage program from 2012-13 to 2017-18. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 9(4), 27-36. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, J., & Indira, A. (2018). A study on fin-tech at global markets. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 8(5), 154-160. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.452.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, J., & Indira, A. (2018). A study on bank linkage program of SHGs at southern region from 2011-12 to 2016-17. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9(7(C)), 27871-27878. ISSN: 0976-3031. DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, J. (2018). A study on bank linkage program of SHG’s in Tamil Nadu And Karnataka – An enquiry into regional rural banks and co-operative banks from 2011-12 to 2016-17. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 8(11), 104-112. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, J. (2018). A study on the performance of the self-help groups and its impact on GDP at Tamilnadu and Karnataka. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 8(9), 115-123. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.565.
- Sankaranaryana, S., & Jayshree Suresh. (2018). Teacher perception on ERP usage in higher secondary schools of Kanchepuram, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(18), 2167-2183. ISSN: 1314-3395. url: Issue (Scopus Indexed).
- Sowmiya, M., & Aiswarya, B. (2018). An impact of full range leadership model on organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Research In humanities, Arts and Literature, VI(11), 78-85. ISSN (P): 2347-4564.
- Sudha Paulin, M., & Aiswarya, B. (2018). Efficacy of team management with respect to knowledge competency. International Journal of Finance and Management Research, 4(4), 253-258. ISSN: (P) 2395- 5929.
D. Publication in Magazines and Newspapers:
- Agna Fernandez. (May, 2018). Automated HR analytics brings efficient talent management. People Matters. Available at
- Alagu Perumal Ramasamy and Indira Ananth. (July, 2018). The dynamics of establishing and sustaining a social responsibility initiative in a management institute – Experiences of Indo-International Initiative for Billions of Fruit Trees (IIIBFT) in LIBA, Chennai. Inner Compass, 3, 55-59. Available at
- (2018, October). In motion identification – A novel biometric tool. Dataquest. Available at
- (2018, August). Voice analytics. Silicon India.
- Madhuri Malhotra. (2018, September). Emotional intelligence – A key leadership competency. Design thinking in organizational change efforts. People Matters. Available at
- Xavier Raj, A. (2018, October). Is industry 4.0 a passé? People Matters. Available at
- Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2019, April 29). Why social orientation is crucial for business students. The Times of India, New Delhi, p. E5.
E. Conference Proceedings
- Agna Fernandez, Francis David Kullu & Shankar, R. (2019). Development of a model of sustainable leadership practices and competencies: A grounded theory approach. In Vanka, S., & Rao, M. B. (Eds.), Sustainable human resources management: practices, policies & perspectives in South Asia. Proceedings of the international conference on Sustainable Human Resources Management (11-13). Hyderabad: ICFAI Business School.
- Aparna Vemulapalli & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2019). Efficiency and financial practices of state co-operative banks in India. In Nalini Chidambaram (Ed.), International conference on global business, economics, finance & social sciences – (ICGBEFSS-18). Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences – (ICGBEFSS-18) (pp. 58–61). Chennai: Institute for Research and Academic Journals (IRAJ). ISBN: 9788192958002.
- Madhava Priya, D. (2019). Impact of Change Management as Moderator on HR Competencies and HRM Effectiveness among SMEs after Digitalization. In Vanka, S., & Rao, M. B. (Eds.), Sustainable human resources management: Practices, policies & perspectives in South Asia. Proceedings of the international conference on Sustainable Human Resources Management (208-210). Hyderabad: ICFAI Business School.
- Madhava Priya, D., & Indira, A. (2018). Understanding the Financial Policy Measures for Inclusion: A comparative study of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. In Parasuraman, N.R., & Sriram, M. (Eds.), Compendium of papers – Global recovery: India at the crossroads. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking (45-49). Mysore: SDMIMD. ISBN: 978-93-83302-32-1.
- Ramasubramaniam, M., Chandrsekaran, N. (2018). An empirical analysis of customer experience in e-business supply chain. In Ahmet Ecirli, (Ed.), 15th international conference on social sciences Leuven, 13-14 July 2018 (Volume II). Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Social Sciences (pp. 90-102). Leuven: European Center for Science Education and Research (EUSER). ISBN: 9788890970030. Available at
- Shalini, T., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2019). The leadership challenges – Women at work place. In Nalini Chidambaram (Ed.), International conference on global business, economics, finance & social sciences – (ICGBEFSS-18). Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences – (ICGBEFSS-18) (pp. 62-66). Chennai: Institute for Research and Academic Journals (IRAJ). ISBN: 9788192958002.
F. Conference Papers Presented
- Agna Fernandez: “Development of a Model of Sustainable Leadership Practices and Competencies: A grounded Theory Approach” (co-authored with Francis David Kullu and Shankar, R.). ‘International Conference on Sustainable Human Resources Management’, organised by University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, during 1-2, November 2018.
- B. Aiswarya: “The impact of engagement practices on the employee sustainability of the organisations”. ‘6th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence’, organised by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, during 20-22, December 2018.
- B. Aiswarya: “The role of culture on maintaining employee sustainability in organizations”. ‘International Conference on Society and Management: Indian Culture vis a vis Western Culture’, organised by Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, during 7-8, December 2018.
- B. Aiswarya: “Employee engagement: A driving force for sustaining employees”. ‘International Conference on Sustainable Human Resources Management’, organised by University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, during 1-2, November 2018.
- B. Aiswarya: “The role work force diversity on the employee sustainability in the organization”. ‘Third International Conference on Business and Economics’, organised by organized by the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, during 9-10, October 2018.
- Akanksha Jaiswal: “Asian Paints: From a family-run decorative past to a professionally-managed lustrous future” (co-authored with Richa Pande, Kirti Deshpande and S. Sabhanathan). ‘7th Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business’, organised by Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, during 1-3, February 2019.
- Akanksha Jaiswal: “Fault Lines: When diversity types interact” (co-authored with Lata Dyaram). ‘International Conference on Human Resource Development and MSME Development’, organised by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Gandhinagar, during 24-25, January 2019. (Won the Best Paper Award).
- Alagu Perumal Ramasamy: “Transformation of Chinese agricultural sector from peasants to modern corporates”. ‘International Conference – Know Thy Neighbor – Growth of India and China: Socio Cultural Precepts and Propositions’, organized by C3S and Department of Political Science, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai, on 9, February 2019
- Alagu Perumal Ramasamy: “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Response by India: A Case Study of Technology and Innovation Promotion in Plastic Pollution Management”. ‘Hanoi Forum 2018’, organised by Vietnam National University and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Hanoi, during 8-10, November 2018.
- Alagu Perumal Ramasamy: “Cross straits relations today – Challenges to IR theory”. ‘International Conference on Trends & Transformations in China’s Geo-politics, Strategy, Society and Business’, organized by Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S), Chennai, during 8-9, June 2018.
- Alagu Perumal Ramasamy: “Sustenance of a green initiative through societal participation – Enabling and disabling factors”. ‘International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the Digital Era’, organised by Assumption University of Thailand, Thailand, on 25, May 2018.
- P. Chandiran: Direct port delivery: Strategies and challenges for implementation – An Indian perspective” (co-authored with Dr. M. Ramasubramaniam). ‘POMS 2018 Annual Conference’, organised by Production and Operation Management Society (POMS), Houston, USA, on 5, May 2018.
- Jayshree Suresh: “Tales of two family owned business from Madras” (co-authored with Dr. M. Victor Louis Anthuvan). ‘7th Asian International Conference on Family Business’, organised by Indian School of Business’, Hyderabad, during 1-3, February 2019.
- Khadeeja Bilquees A., & Deepa Ittimani Tholath: “Factors affecting the credibility of beauty influencers on instagram”. ‘National Conference on Management, Technology& Innovation in The VUCA World-Role in Value Creation’, organised by Department of Management Studies, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, on 23, March 2019.
- D. Madhava Priya & Deepak Raj G.: “Less cost: More culture: Influence of office space decisions”. ‘International Conference on Society and Management’, organised by IIM Kozhikode, Kerala, during 7-8, December 2018.
- D. Madhava Priya & Edwin Moses: “Towards understanding a innovative place making “co-works” in socio-economic context”. ‘International Conference on Society and Management’, organised by IIM Kozhikode, Kerala, during 7-8, December 2018.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Impact of change management as moderator on HR competencies and HRM effectiveness among smes after digitalization”. ‘International Conference on Sustainable Human Resources Management’, organised by University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, during 1-2, November 2018.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Measuring the effectiveness of digitalization among small merchants in India”. ‘3rd International Conference on Business and Economics’, organized by the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, during 9-10, October 2018.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Understanding the financial policy measures for inclusion: A comparative study of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka”. ‘7th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking’, organised by SDMIMD, Mysuru, during 7-8, September 2018.
- Madhuri Malhotra: “Green accounting and sustainable business practices, an exploratory study”. ‘IIBG 2018 Annual Academia – Industry Exchange, Conference on Ethics, Responsible Business and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Transformation and Growth’, organized by Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG), Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, during 7-8, December, 2018.
- 21. J. Navena Nesakumari: “Factors affecting the adoption of mobile payments of rural entrepreneurs – A qualitative study”. ‘International Conference on Human Resource Development and MSME Development’ organised by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Gandhinagar, during 24-25, January 2019.
- M. Ramasubramaniam. A hybrid machine learning and MIP based heuristic algorithm for minimizing Makespan on a batch processing machine with non-identical job sizes” (co-authored with M. Mathirajan). ‘6th International conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence‘, organised by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, during 20-22, December 2018.
- M. Ramasubramaniam & Dr. N. Chandrasekaran: “An empirical analysis of customer experience in e-business supply chain”. ‘15th International Conference on Social Sciences’, organised by ICSS EUSER, Leuven, Belgium, during 13-14, July 2018.