Research and Publications 2017-2018
A. Books
- Agna, Fernandez, & Pillai, S. (2018). Soft skills & employability skills. UK: Cambridge University Press India Pvt.Ltd. ISBN: 9781316981320.
- Chandrasekaran, N. (2017). Incredible champions (Vol II), Chennai: Notion Press.
- Chandrasekaran, N., & Indira, A. (2017). Scaling with parity. CII Indian Women Network.
- Indira, A., Chandrasekharan, N., Chandiran, P., & Ram Subramanian. (2017). District human development report – 2017 Chennai Corporation of Chennai, Chennai and State Planning Commission, Tamil Nadu in association with Loyola Institute of Business Administration.
- Irudaya Veni Mary, A., Indira, A., Xavier Raj, A., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2018). A report of the consultative workshop on social enterprises in Tamil Nadu: Challenges, opportunities and interventions. Chennai: Loyola Institute of Business Administration & Notion Press. (ISBN 978-1-64249-980-3).
B. Text Books
- William A. McEachern & Indira, A. (2018). Macro ECON: A South-Asian perspective with course mate (2nd ed.). Delhi: South Western: 4LTR Press, Cengage Publishers. ISBN: 9789386858429.
C. Edited Books
- Indira, A., Madhuri Malhotra., & Madhava Priya, D. (Eds.). (2017). International conference on finance and economics (ICFE-2017) – Current trends in finance and economics. Chennai: Loyola Institute of Business Administration & Notion Press, ISBN 978-1-947851-64-1.
D. Chapters in Books
- Madhava Priya, D., & Indira, A. (2018). Digital marketing in a new age economy. In Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and marketing for global reach in the digital economy, IGI-Global, ISBN13: 9781522563075|ISBN10: 1522563075|EISBN13: 9781522563082|DOI: 4018/978-1-5225-6307-5.
E. Chapters in Edited Books
- Victor Louis Anthuan, M. (2017). Public sector – Historic experiences. In Franco (Ed.), Contemporary issues and challenges in the banking and public sector at the current juncture. (pp. 1-11). Bangalore: AISBOF.
F. Chapters in Case Books
- Shanthi Venkatesh. (2017). Case No.15: Aachi masala – Entering the north Indian masala category. In Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing management: Indian cases (pp. 15.1 – 15.5), (15th ed.). CEPL, Pudhucherry, Tamil Nadu: Pearson Education. (ISBN: 978-93-325-8710-6).
- Shanthi Venkatesh. (2017). Case No. 19: Com – A case study on direct marketing of wedding return gifts. In Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing management: Indian cases (pp. 19.1 to 19.7), (15th ed.). CEPL, Pudhucherry, Tamil Nadu: Pearson Education. (ISBN: 978-93-325-8710-6).
- Shanthi Venkatesh & Arindam Chatterjee. (2017). Case No.20: Selling process in animal nutrition and health industry. In Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing management: Indian cases (pp. 20.1 – 20.8), (15th ed.). CEPL, Pudhucherry, Tamil Nadu: Pearson Education. (ISBN: 978-93-325-8710-6).
G. Journals
- Agna Fernandez & Wandemberg, J.C. (2017). Participative collaboration for knowledge sharing 2017. Higher Education Review, 28-31.
- Agna, Fernandez & Etukala, H. (2018). Jnet technologies – Nurturing a leadership powered culture. South Asian Journal of Business & Management Cases, 7(1), 21-33. ISSN: 22779779. Sage Publication.
- Aiswarya, B. (2017). Factors influencing the continuance commitment of employees in IT sector in Chennai. Asian Journal of Management, 8(4), 1041-1050. ISSN Online: 2321-5763. DOI No: 10.5958/2321-5763.2017.00160.3.
- Aiswarya, B. (2018). Impact of decision making practices on employee commitment. AIMS journal of Management, 3(2), 180-196.
- Chandrasekaran, N., & Anbuthambi, B. (2017). Goods and Services Tax (GST) and training for its implementation in India: A perspective. ICTACT Journal on Management Studies, 3(2), 511-514. ISSN Online: 2395-1664.
- Chandrasekaran, N., & Indira, A. (2017). Economic drivers of technology enabled health services. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(2), 150-157. ISSN Online: 2414-8385, ISSN Print: 2414-8377.
- Deepa Ittimani Tholath & Khadeeja Bilquees, A. (2017). Customer loyalty – Analysing the globally applicable contributing factors. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Engineering and Technology (IJARMET), 2(9), 887–894. ISSN Online: 2456 –2998.
- Irudaya Veni Mary A., Victor Louis Anthuvan M., Christie P., & Indira, A. (2018). Variables for measuring the impact of the social enterprises in the field of community development. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(1), 210 – 219. International Science Index 133. DAI: urn:dai:10.1999/1307-6892/10008909.
- Irudaya Veni Mary A., Victor Louis Anthuvan M., Christie P., & Indira, A. (2018). Propositions on factors enabling to sustain the social entrepreneurial venture. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9(3), 25493-25499. ISSN: 0976-3031. Article DOI:
- Jayshree Suresh & Balakrishnan, A.S. (2017). Multimodal logistics for Indian automotive sector. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), 8(3), 270 – 289.
- Jayshree Suresh & Balakrishnan, A.S. (2018). Green supply chain management in Indian automotive sector. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM), 29(4), 502 – 523.
- Kalam, M.A. (2017). Keynote address: Spatial segregation, discrimination, and allied dynamics in internal and international migrations. Kerala Sociologist, 45(1), 10-18.
- Kalam, M.A., & Hira Singh. (2017). India’s race problem: Ignorance and denial. Social Scientist, 45(9-10), 75-78.
- Madhava Priya, D. (2017). A study on behavioural dynamics after de-monetisation at Bombay stock exchange with reference to institutional investors. Business Horizons, 4(1), 177-180.
- Madhava Priya, D. (2018). A study on financial inclusion of mobile banking as an effective mode of branchless banking in India. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 8(3), 101-104. ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384. Indus Publications.
- Madhava Priya, D., & Indira, A. (2017). Digital banking – Is the customer getting a personal experience or getting digitized? International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 7(8), 10-13. ISSN: 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384.
- Madhuri Malhotra & Mainak Sen. (2017). Volatility and its covariates: Evidence from Indian stock market. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 7(10), 11-18. ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor 6.384.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Indira, A. (2018). A study on fin-tech at global markets. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 8(5), 154-160. ISSN: 2250-0588, Impact Factor: 6.452.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2017). A study on the impact of the working capital management on the profitability of the leading listed automobile companies in India (2006 – 2012). International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 5(8), 6744-6757. ISSN Online: 2321-3418, Impact Factor: 5.4.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2017). A study on the impact of the working capital management on the profitability of the leading listed manufacturing companies of Chennai (2006-2012). International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 7(8), 68-87. ISSN Online: 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2017). A study on the impact if receivables management on profitability of leading listed manufacturing sectors at Chennai for a period of (2006-2012). Journal of Advance Management Research, 5(3), 174-194. ISSN: 2393-9664, Impact Factor: 4.598.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2017). A study on the inventory management on profitability of listed manufacturing companies at Chennai for a period of (2010-2016): A working capital perspective. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 7(11), 52-63. ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2017). The role of cash conversion cycle in working capital management on profitability: A study on manufacturing industries. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 7(12), 211-222. ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384.
- Navena Nesa Kumari, I., & Victor Louis Anthuvan, M. (2018). An enquiry into the credit period at manufacturing industries at Chennai – A working capital perspective. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9(3), 24668-24673. DOI:
- Pandikumar, M.P., & Param Raj. (2017). Demonetisation and historical volatility of NSE sectoral indices – An overview. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 7(5), 67-80. South Asian Academic Research Journals. ISSN: 2249-7137, Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=5.099. DOI: 10.5958/2249-7137.2017.00054.4.
- Pandikumar, M.P., & Param Raj. (2017). Historical volatility of NIFTY returns and demonetisation-An overview. SUMEDHA Journal of Management, 6(2), 4-21. ISSN Online: 2322-0449, ISSN Print: 2277-6753. UGC Approved: Serial No: 46802, Index Copernicus value 5.20, Impact Factor: 0.787 (From Global Impact Factor), INDEXED IN, PROQUEST DATABASE, ISRA Journal Factor – 2.318.
- Ragu Prasad & Jayshree Suresh. (2017). Customer satisfaction index model for Indian banking industry: A qualitative study. Asian Social Science, 13 (1), 114 – 129.
- Ragu Prasad & Jayshree Suresh. (2017). Customer satisfaction index as a performance evaluation metric: A study on Indian e-banking industry. International Journal of Business, 22 (3), 251 – 274.
- Renu Isidore, R. (2017). Test of speculation in the Indian stock market. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 5(10), 581-597. ISSN: 2320-5407, Impact Factor: 6.1. DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/5564.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2017). Correlation between behavioral biases and investors’ personality in the secondary equity market in Chennai. International Journal of Applied Financial Management Perspectives, 6(2), 1-7. ISSN: 2279-0896, Impact Factor: 7.067.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2017). Regression analysis of the investors’ behavioral biases with respect to the investors’ personality. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 6(9), 358-365. ISSN: 2319-7064, Impact Factor: 6.391. DOI: 10.21275/1091702.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2017). Review of the influence of investor personality (The Big 5 Model) on investor behaviour. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing (IJRFM), 7(7), 23-32. ISSN: 2231-5985, Impact Factor: 6.397.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). A behavioral finance perspective of the stock market anomalies. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 8(4), 5-9. ISSN: 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Fundamental analysis versus technical analysis – A comparative review. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 9(1B), 23009-23013. ISSN: 0976-3031, Impact Factor: 7.383. DOI:
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Review of behavioral biases – An individual equity investor perspective. International Journal of Advanced Research, 6(1), 621-631. ISSN: 2320-5407, Impact Factor: 6.118. DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6265.
- Renu Isidore, R., & Christie, P. (2018). Review of the anomalies in the Indian equity market. International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, 8(3), 39-44. ISSN: 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384.
- Vandana Zachariah., & Agna Fernandez. (2018). Financial literacy and inclusion initiatives of select banks in India: A step towards sustainable financial development. International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, January Special Issue, 119-127. ISSN: 2249–8672, Impact Factor-5.76. An UGC listed Journal: 49166.
- Victor Louis Anthuvan, M., & Aparna Vemulapalli. (2017). A study on performance of commercial banks, regional rural banks and primary societies in rural India (1996 – 2013). LIBA Journal of Management, 1(1), 12-19.
- Xavier Raj, A., & Francis David Kullu. (2018). Artificial intelligence optimism vs pessimism: A Conceptual insight. LIBA Journal of Management, 1(2), 25-30.
H. Case Studies
- Deepa Ittimani Tholath. (2017). Remixing experiential marketing – Asian Paint. Case and Teaching Note. Ref No: 517-0126-1, 517-0126-8. Wharley End, Beds MK43 0JR, UK, The Case Centre, Cranfield University. Available at
- Madhava Priya, D. (2018). Cash flow analysis – A case study of Madura Metal Works Private Limited (MMW). International Journal of Case Studies, 7(1), 66-70.
I. Conference Proceedings
- Chandrasekaran, N., & Indira, A. (2017). Economic drivers of technology enabled health services. In Euser European center for science education and research proceedings 13th international conference on social sciences 06-07 October 2017. (744-751). Vienna University, Vienna, Volume III. ISBN: 9788890916137.
- Irudaya Veni Mary A., Victor Louis Anthuvan M., & Christie P. (2017). Effective human resource management strategies from social entrepreneurs – The transformational leaders. In Conference proceedings: CPM regional management conference 2017-transformational leadership: turning ideas into action. (1-11). Sri Lanka: Institute of Certified Professional Managers. ISBN: 978-955-3729-01-09.
- Irudaya Veni Mary A., Victor Louis Anthuvan M., Christie P., & Indira, A. (2018). Variables for measuring the impact of the social enterprises in the field of community development. In 20. World academy of science, engineering and technology conference proceedings, 20(1), Part II-International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation. (197-218). World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET).
- Madhava Priya, D. (2017). A study on behavioural dynamics after de-monetisation at Bombay stock exchange with reference to institutional investors. In Dr. R. S. Chitra, Dr. S. Tamilarasi, Dr. A. Irin Sutha & Dr. R. Angayarkanni, (Eds.), Proceedings of 4th international conference on business research. (100-103). ISBN: 978-81-8209-436-9.
- Madhava Priya, D. (2017). Behavioural dynamics after de-monetisation at Bombay stock exchange: Consequences of human behaviour. In Dr. N. R. Parasuraman & Dr. M. Sriram, (Eds.), 6th International conference on emerging trends in finance, accounting and banking: Navigating uncertainties in global financial markets – India’s trajectory. (Paper ID: 1719: 1-8).ISBN: 978-93-83302-24-6.
- Madhuri Malhotra, Indira, A., & Madhava Priya. D. (2017). Digitization for effective banking: Innovations and challenges. In the Book of abstracts: IIM Indore-NASMEI, Summer marketing conference. (111). Emerald Group Publishing (India) Private Limited, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-1-78635-416-7.
- Madhuri Malhotra. (2018). Ethical business organizations and corporate social responsibility. In Book of abstracts: 2018 The science of consciousness. (186). Tucson, Arizona: Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona.
J. Conference Papers Presented
- A. Indira, Rakesh Krishnan & Alan Mathew Kunnumpuram: “Effect on utilisation of water resource by soft drinks industry on Tamil Nadu’s economy”. 20th International Conference on ‘Innovative Trends in Engineering, Life Science and Business’, organised by IOSRD, Chennai, India, during 8-9, September, 2017.
- A. Irudaya Veni Mary, Dr. M. Victor Louis Anthuvan, Dr. P. Christie & Dr. A. Indira: “Propositions on factors enabling to sustain the social entrepreneurial venture”. South Asia Conference on ‘Business Models and Social Entrepreneurship’, organised by Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, held at TISS, Mumbai, during 17-19, January, 2018.
- A. Xavier Raj: “Sustainable marketing mix, the eleven Ps”. State Level Conference on ‘Green Marketing and Sustainable Success’ organised by Xavier Institute of Business Administration at Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu on 24, February, 2018.
- Agna Fernandez & Dr. J.C. Wandemberg: “Building community through dialogue for employee well-being”. ‘Global Science and Technology Forum’, Singapore, during 11-12, December, 2017.
- Agna Fernandez & Dr. J.C. Wandemberg: “Nurturing tropophillic organizations through an open-systems-design-principles approach”. ‘11th ISDSI International Conference’ organised by Indian Institute of Management Trichy, during 28-30, December, 2017.
- B. Aiswarya: “A study on the influence of personal attributes and the commitment level of employees”. International Conference on ‘Managing Human Resources at the Work Place’, organised by Institute of Management Development, Mysore, on 8, December, 2017.
- B. Aiswarya: “Employee brand relationship: Brand building for employee to stay committed”. ‘International Marketing Conference’ organised by Indian Institute of Management, Indore on 27, July, 2017.
- B. Aiswarya: “Influencing factors that impact the normative commitment of employees”. International Conference on ‘Decision Sciences’, organised by Indian Institute of Management, Trichy, on 30, December, 2017.
- D. Madhava Priya, Dr. A. Indira & Dr. Madhuri Malhothra: “Is the stock market demonetised – Indian scenario”. PAN IIT International Conference on ‘Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF-2017)’, organised by IIT Karagpur, during 7-8, July 2017.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Behavioural dynamics and consequences of individual investors after demonetization towards Indian stock market”. ‘11th ISDSI (Indian Subcontinent- Region Decision Sciences Institute) International Conference’, organised by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India during 27-30, December, 2017.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Is SENSEX and NIFTY a victim of demonetisation?” ‘11th ISDSI (Indian Subcontinent- Region Decision Sciences Institute) International Conference’, organised by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India during 27-30, December, 2017.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Status quo after ban on slaughtering: A case study on Indian leather industry”. ‘Business Case Conference’, organised by SONA School of Management, Salem, during 21-23, September, 2017.
- D. Madhava Priya: “Sustainability of small merchants through digital technologies”. International Conference on ‘Sustainable Management (ICSM 2018)’, organised by IIM Kashipur during 25-27, May, 2018.
- Deepa Ittimani Tholath & Dr A. Indira: “Weaving sustainability into affordable housing- Anna Builders”. ‘Business Case Conference 2017’, organised by Sona School of Management in collaboration with The Case Centre UK, held at Salem, during 21-23, September, 2017. (Won the Best Case Award).
- Deepa Ittimani Tholath & Khadeeja Bilquees: “A comparative study of loyalty studies to identify the underlying factors of customer loyalty”. National Conference on ‘Current Practices and Emerging Trends In Management’, organised by KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Udyambag, Belgavi, during 8-9, September, 2017.
- M. A. Kalam: “Indian diaspora entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and IT hubs and startups in South India”. Global Conference on “Indian Diaspora Studies and Policies’, organised by International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands, during 5-7, October 2017.
- M. A. Kalam: “Inclusion and the marginalised groups (SCs, STs, Minorities)”. Symposium on ‘Welfare State and Base of the Pyramid’ at Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai on 28, February, 2018.
- M.A. Kalam: “Religious and caste-class discrimination in entrepreneurship”. ‘Annual Conference of Indian Association of Social Science Institutes (IASSI)’ at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, during 4-5, December, 2017.
- Madhuri Malhotra & Irshika Mehrotra: “Credit risk management and performance of commercial banks: Indian perspective”. ‘11th ISDSI (Indian Subcontinent- Region Decision Sciences Institute) International Conference’, organised by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India during 27-30, December, 2017.
- Madhuri Malhotra & Mainak Sen: “Volatility and its co-variates: Evidence from Indian stock market”. SIBR (Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research Conference on ‘Interdisciplinary Business and Research’, held at Hong Kong, during 30, September – 1, October, 2017.
- Madhuri Malhotra & N. Premkumar: “Long run performance of initial public offerings in India’’. 7th International Conference on ‘Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE)’, organised by University of Oxford, UK, during 3-4, July, 2017.
- Madhuri Malhotra: “Performance evaluation of banking sector in India: Issues and challenges”. Two-Day International Conference on ‘5S Strategy, System and Service for Sustainability and Scalability of Business’, organised by the Department of Management Studies, Pondicherry University during 23-24, March, 2018.
- Madhuri Malhotra: “Consciousness, moral intensity and managerial decision making: Eastern and western perspectives”. Conference on ‘The Science of Consciousness’, organised by University of Arizona, Centre for Consciousness Studies, San Diego, California, during 5-10, June, 2017.
- Madhuri Malhotra: “Ethics and morality as a basis for managerial decision making: Perspectives of management school graduates”. International Conference on ‘Managing and Teaching Business Ethics’, organised by Lassalle-Institute, Zug, Switzerland during 13-16, May, 2018.
- Madhuri Malhotra: “Non-Performing assets: A study on Indian banking sector”. Athenaeum 2018, VIII International Conference on ‘Contemporary Management Research’, organised by Bharathidasan Institute of Management Trichy, during 9-10, February, 2018.
- Madhuri Malhotra: “The impact of managerial moral intensity on ethical decision making”. International Conference on ‘Media, Culture and Ethics’, organised by Birla Institute of Technology, Science, Pilani, during 9-10, February, 2018.
- N. Chandrasekaran & B. Anbuthambi: “Aadhaar: The foundation of new India – A perspective”. National conference on ‘Multifaceted Approach towards New India’, organised by the Faculty of Management Studies, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram, on 10, November, 2017.
- N. Chandrasekaran & S. Mahesh Pavan: “Marketing challenges of a rural social entrepreneur producing goods from weeds – The road ahead”. National conference on ‘Multifaceted Approach towards New India’, organised by the Faculty of Management Studies, Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram, on 10, November, 2017.
- R. Alagu Perumal: “The education systems of India and China: Encouragement or inhibition of creativity”. International conference on ‘Creative Palette: Comparison of India and China’, organised by C3S at M.O.P. Vaishnav College, Chennai, on 15, July, 2017.
- R. Alagu Perumal: “Xi’s Tibet policy”. A Conference in Dharamsala ‘Tibet: A Global Common or a Bone of Contention’, organised by C3S and Tibetan Policy Institute on 24, October, 2017.
- Shanthi Venkatesh: “History commitment and impact (HCI) as the true measure of CSR effectiveness: An analysis pertaining to CSR activities of listed companies in India”. ‘Fore International Sustainable Development Conference 2018 (FISDC 2018)’, organised by Fore School of Business, Delhi during 11-13, January, 2018.
- Vandana Zachariah & Dr. Agna Fernandez: “Financial literacy and inclusion initiatives of select banks in India: A step towards sustainable financial development”. Two-Day UGC sponsored International Conference on ‘Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World’, organised by St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, during 5-6, January, 2018.